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  • Surveillance

Physical surveillance of an individual's external activity recorded via camcorder or covert camera. Can also include online surveillance of someone's online activity that is monitored/tracked over a set span of time via IP, social media networks, blogs, emails, location tagging, social engineering on dating websites, etc.

  • Undercover

Infiltrating a workplace or organized crime ring by pretending to be: an employee, by-standard, customer, a member of the organized crime ring and obtaining information by witnessing, recording audio and/or video, and/or obtaining documents. Often utilized by companies/corporations to detect and collect evidence on internal theft or fraud, insubordination, espionage, performance management, harassment, morale, and contract infringement.

  • Locates/Skip Tracing

The art of finding an individual and/or group's residence who, at times, doesn't wish to be found. Locates are provided for various purposes including but not limited to: serving documents, locating debtors in an effort to recover funds, adopted individuals seeking their natural parents, kidnappings, missing persons, criminals hiding from the law, etc.

  • Process Serving

Finding an individual and serving them documents while recording the serve on covert video. 

  • DNA

Collecting items believed to have DNA on them for analysis with an aim towards having the DNA prove, be evidence towards the impetus of the client. Examples include patent infringement cases and adopted individuals seeking their natural parents. 

  • Labour Disputes

Either overt or covert positioning to observe/monitor an area, location or building that is expected to be loitered, damaged, its operations (business continuity) slowed or stopped. Property damage or trespassing is video recorded while at times includes informing the authorities.

  • Interviews

This consists of witness statement taking or  interviewing an individual to obtain information or a confession. 

  • Domestics

This entails following an expected cheating spouse or relate to child custody matters.

  • Cybersecurity & OSINT

Utilizing white-hat hacking principles to obtain open source information geared towards resolution of client's dilemma.

  • Anti-Piracy

Strategies utilized to circumvent and catch those pirating copyrighted material (e.g. uploading movies to online websites and releasing them to public for free without royalties being paid to the owner of the copyright). 

  • Social Engineering

The art of communicating with individuals in such a way as to obtain or have them give information they would not in normal circumstances.

  • Patent Infringement

Typically includes a product that is patented for its design, unique process, or sequence of materials used to produce a desired outcome. Can include machine design/blue prints being copied exactly or in very similar ways. Can also include products such as make-up where products are made to look the same but have different ingredients, the infringement occurs when someone attempts to sell a product with labelling and packaging of one make up product when it fact it is not that product. 

  • Computer Forensics

May entail getting a hold of a physical hard drive, making a copy, and searching the hard drive using various technologies and software to quickly find certain items of interest. This can also entail malware finding, tracing, proving it's origin/transmittance/monitoring by a guilty party. Finally, it can include, generally, any facet of monitoring, tracking, collecting evidence of illegal activity on a computer or it's activities online.

  • Due Diligence

Finding information on inadequacies, inconsistencies, and lack of compliance with protocols, contractual obligations, policies, and/or laws. Can be related to finance, law, politics, business, mergers and acquisitions, etc.

  • Background Checks

Obtaining information on an individual from various sources for a full scope on the individuals personality, activities, expertise, integrity, and risk management. Often used by large corporations to confirm the integrity of an individual being considered for an executive position. Also utilized for tenant screening at condominiums and apartment buildings, commercial driver pre-screening, occupations connected to vulnerable sectors, and investors into individuals.

  • Penetration Testing

Someone hiring an investigator to purposefully try to break into, bypass or circumvent elements of security and protection {i.e. a physical location (e.g. a building), computer server, website, technology (e.g. cell phone, wireless camera) in order to test its security strengths/weaknesses so that they can be found and strengthened. 

  • Asset Searches

Consists in advanced searches of items with a monetary value. Most often entails physical items such as a house, boat, car, jewellery, currency, commodities, etc. Goal is to find a listing on a trusted database proving the individuals owns said asset. 

  • Executive Protection

The protection of an individual(s) while being transported, moving, or while at a location (e.g. a meeting, their workplace, etc) or an event. 

  • Workplace Harassment / WSIB / Labour Board

Harassment comes in many forms whether it be bullying, sexual, bias, nepotism, mental, physical, chauvinism, racism, cronyism, partisanship, parochialism, and any other facets of treating someone as though they are less than or acting towards them in a demeaning nature.

  • Custom Investigations

In an ever evolving and rapidly changing world, the need for unique, custom, and out of the box processes to solve complex problems that don't always fit neatly into a category. Clients are advised to share their unique problems with us in an effort for us to respond with a more consultative approach to successful outcomes.

Satisfaction Guarantees

From quality assurance, depth of scope and consistent results, give us a call at 647-405-4055 to learn about how we can help you and your clients.

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